La vivienda se sitúa sobre una parcela de 10.000m2 en una pequeña ladera con un desnivel negativo bastante sutil. Rodeada por olmos protegidos y lagos repartidos por toda la urbanización.
El agua, como elemento fundamental de proyecto, rodea la vivienda y forma parte de ella: te recibe, te acompaña y te envuelve. La actuación radica en salvar la diferencia de cota dividiendo el programa en dos: la casa y el basamento.
La propuesta de la casa propone materiales y elementos que suavizan la rotunda geometría y trasmiten la experiencia del habitar.
La piedra actúa como elemento de transición entre la escala humana y la gran escala que adquieren estos cuerpos, convirtiéndose así en una referencia constante en todo el proyecto.
We guide the client on a personal journey to uncover their true desires, aspirations, and connection to their ideal home and its surroundings. Key Events: Interview
We explore different design concepts and possibilities for the client’s dream home. Key Events: Site Analysis, Preliminary Concept Proposal
Here, we create a bespoke design that embodies the client’s essence. The aim is to create a home that feels tailor-made, capturing the client’s unique personality. Key Events: Full exterior and interior designs, furniture proposal, 3D images and video renders
In this stage, we meticulously craft all architectural blueprints. Key Events: Architectural documents, Permissions, Licenses, Budgets
This stage is about integration of architectural design with constructive design, collaborating with different specialists. Key Events: Final documents for construction
The focus in this stage is on bringing the client’s envisioned home to life, ensuring that the design is constructed to perfection while keeping the client informed and engaged throughout the process. Key Events: On site supervision
The final stage is about celebrating the finished project with the client, creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere as the client moves into their dream home. Key Events: Probably some wine and tapas!